A golden metal doll with arms upstretched and a dandelion puff head partially blown away; concept is allergies and brain fog

Ah, ’tis the season for warm-weather allergies caused by trees, grass, and ragweed pollen. You know the signs: sneezing, watery eyes, stuffiness, scratchy throat, wheezing, and coughing. But what about so-called brain fog? That may be true for you, too.

Why do allergies make your brain feel so foggy?

“Allergy symptoms can disrupt sleep and make people feel more tired and groggy,” says Dr. Mariana Castells, an allergist and immunologist in the division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “Plus, your body can become weaker as it fights the inflammation triggered by allergies, contributing to overall fatigue and making it harder to concentrate and focus."

What happens to your immune system when you inhale pollen?

When you inhale pollen, your immune system generates antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE). Those antibodies trigger the release of chemicals called mediators, such as histamine, leukotrienes, and prostaglandins. The chemicals affect tissues in the eyes, nose, and throat,  causing symptoms like sneezing and watering eyes.

4 ways to prevent or ease brain fog stemming from seasonal allergies

Managing your allergy symptoms when they first appear — or taking preventive measures if you are prone to pollen allergies — is the best way to control the allergic immune response that can cause fatigue and brain fog. These four strategies can help.

Lower your exposure to pollen

Be prepared with over-the-counter allergy medicines

Over-the-counter (OTC) allergy medicines treat many symptoms, thus helping to lift brain fog. It’s best to talk to your doctor or pharmacist before starting any new medicine, especially if you have any health problems or take other medicines.

Options include:

Consider prescription allergy shots or tablets

If allergies are severe or OTC remedies aren’t sufficient, an allergist may recommend allergy shots, or possibly tablets designed to treat certain allergies.

Try a nasal rinse

Prefer to skip medications? Try clearing your nasal cavity twice daily using saline solution in a small bulb syringe or neti pot, which resembles a small teapot with a long spout. Both are sold at drugstores and online. Performed once in the morning and in the evening, this simple technique rinses away pollen.

About the Author

photo of Matthew Solan

Matthew Solan, Executive Editor, Harvard Men's Health Watch

Matthew Solan is the executive editor of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. He previously served as executive editor for UCLA Health’s Healthy Years and as a contributor to Duke Medicine’s Health News and Weill Cornell Medical College’s … See Full Bio View all posts by Matthew Solan

About the Reviewer

photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Howard LeWine, M.D., is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD

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